Craftsman marketing for Knauf

Project Detail Craftsman marketing from the global market leader Although we have a wealth of experience in the construction and supplier sector and are familiar with the special features of multi-level sales, a new customer first requires a dive into the inner workings of the brand and the marketing organisation. Because this is exactly what characterises the way BALLEYWASL works, we were commissioned by Knauf to develop a [...]

Market launch for Hotel Ambassador Zurich

Project Detail Corporate Identity for hotel and opening website Challenge, & Solution The Hotel Ambassador is the only small luxury hotel in Zurich and the signature hotel of the Meili Selection Hotels, which unites five hotels in Zurich and two in Graubünden. Because each hotel in the group has its own individual character and personality, the owners invest [...]

Guest magazine for Bad Tölz Tourism

Bad Tölz Magazine Project Detail Magazine Print is effective - as the Bad Tölz Tourist Information Centre is well aware. Especially when good content is attractively presented. A magazine is a sign of appreciation for customers and guests and can be used perfectly as a springboard for digital communication. QR codes are established and [...]