A method for a successful employer brand

Companies today face the major challenge of positioning themselves as attractive employers. In an intense competition for the best talent - often referred to as #WarforTalents - employers are struggling to stand out from the competition. Demographic change and the changing expectations of generations Y and Z have changed the labour market and mean that applications need to be targeted and strategically addressed. Digital job boards and social media such as LinkedIn or Xing have now become the most important platforms for HR marketing and recruiting, where employers vie for the favour of potential employees. A recent study by EY in 2022 shows that 61 per cent of millennials are open to switching to a new employer, while 21 per cent are even actively looking for a job. The working atmosphere, salary and work-life balance are the most important criteria for choosing a new employer.

What is employer branding?

Employer branding is a central marketing strategy that aims to establish the company as an attractive employer brand. This strategy helps to present the company as a favoured employer through targeted HR marketing measures and clear positioning. The targeted use of marketing and recruiting strategies strengthens the employer brand and attracts the best talent to the company. It is crucial to optimise the entire employer journey, from the first contact to applications and long-term retention.

The EVP - Employer Value Proposition

A strong employer brand begins with the definition of the Employer Value Proposition (EVP), i.e. the value proposition that an employer offers its employees. As a specialised employer branding agency in Munich, we use our knowledge and experience to DNA of the employer and to develop a convincing EVP based on analyses and strategic measures. This positioning forms the basis for all further steps in personnel marketing, whether in campaigns on social media, at careers fairs or on the company's careers page.

That's what matters


What do
us as an employer?


Where do
where are we going?


Who suits us
and who doesn't?


What does
us in particular?


Attract and retain employees

Employer branding pursues a dual strategy: the Recruitment of new employees and the long-term retention of existing talent. This requires targeted recruiting measures that work both externally and internally. While external measures, such as social media campaigns and the placement of job adverts, serve to generate new applications, internal measures ensure that employee satisfaction and loyalty are increased. A strong employer brand has a positive effect on employee productivity and commitment, which ultimately benefits the success of the company.

Every brand, every person and every company is positioned and differentiates itself based on certain characteristics. Whether intentionally or unintentionally - if you don't position yourself, you will be positioned. It is no different with employers."

WAY of Work

Employer branding process

As a specialised employer branding agency, we offer you tailor-made solutions that adapt to your individual needs and challenges. Our strategies include various modules, which are flexibly customised to your requirements. Whether you want complete support throughout the entire employer branding process or just individual modules and coaching for your employees - our agency is at your side. We utilise our extensive knowledge of branding, HR marketing and recruiting to strengthen your employer brand in the long term.

Why a strong employer brand is essential

A strategically developed employer brand has a considerable influence on the Success in recruiting. Studies show that many companies, especially in the SME sector, have difficulties filling vacancies. A strong employer branding strategy can help here by positioning the company as an attractive option for target groups that are often not reached with traditional measures such as job adverts or active sourcing.

Influencing factors

Socio-political drivers

Social changes such as climate change, globalisation, digitalisation and demographic change are having a massive impact on the labour market. Companies must adapt their marketing and recruiting strategies to these trends in order to remain competitive. As an experienced agency in the field of employer branding and HR marketing, we take these drivers into account when developing customised measures.

The different generations currently shaping the labour market have different expectations of employers. Generation Y attaches great importance to flexibility and self-realisation, while Generation Z is increasingly looking for structure and a clear work-life balance. These different expectations must be incorporated into the employer branding strategy and measures in order to specifically address the respective target groups.

In the "war of talent", it is crucial to differentiate yourself as an employer brand and position yourself as the employer of choice for the best talent. Digitalisation and increased transparency in the labour market enable applicants to obtain comprehensive information about employers. This is where the employer brand plays a central role in HR marketing in order to successfully stand out from the competition.

Increasing digitalisation is opening up new opportunities in recruiting and HR marketing. Through the targeted use of social media and online marketing measures, employers can increase their visibility and specifically address the desired target groups. A strong presence in social media supports the positioning of the employer brand and increases the impact of all employer branding measures.

The working environment, management culture and working atmosphere are decisive factors that contribute significantly to employer attractiveness. A positive employer brand creates an environment in which employees feel comfortable and want to stay for the long term.

Proven Experts

Our references as an agency in the field of
Employer branding

Concept, creative concept, visual content production (photo), career page, campaign assets

Employer branding for the AKDB

Campaign conception, creation, visual content production (photo and video), campaign planning, roll-out

Recruiting campaign for Profol

Generation change

Two generations are significantly influencing the transformation of the economy and the world of work, fuelling the war for talent and demanding more than just hygiene factors from employers.



As Digital Natives Generation Y is very tech- and internet-savvy. They are very curious by nature and question the traditional, both in their private and professional lives. They question hierarchies and strive for self-determination instead.

Flexible working hours, home office or mobile working? Should be possible - at least that's what Generation Y thinks. In order to enjoy these benefits, millennials are prepared to fill some of their free time with work. Between work and private life, Generation Y is therefore none This is what fundamentally distinguishes them from Generation X (1965-1979) and the Baby Boomers (1946-1964).



Compared to the millennials, the Generation Z more structure in everyday life again. Away from the work-life balance, towards the Work-life separation. After the 9-to-5 working day, free time is the order of the day - and this is sacred to Gen Z. While millennials still proudly talk about further training to broaden their professional horizons, digital natives 2.0 are more interested in urban gardening, for example, or the Instagram channel. A career is an important topic as long as it doesn't have too much of an impact on your private life. That's why for many Z's a Management position rather out of the question. The desire for Self-realisation and free development is at the top of the list for this generation.

Decoding the DNA

From the EPP to the Code of Culture

The value proposition

A successful employer branding strategy is based on active identification with the company. The aim is to build up a valuable basis of trust with your own employees and to develop their intrinsic motivation. The employer value proposition (literally: the employer's promise of benefits to its employees) successfully harmonises needs and values in order to strengthen the brand and the company.

The EPP is a management summary

The EVP - Employer Value Proposition - is a compact and condensed summary of the values that the company is committed to. A statement whose choice of words is often a struggle and which ideally fits on one sheet of paper would not be understood or even misinterpreted by many employees without an explanation of its derivation. At the same time, it is a statement that the C-level board unanimously agrees with so that assertions become tangible reality.

Code of Culture

The Code of Culture is the comprehensible decoding of the EPP. It contains comprehensibly formulated information about the ideas, values and methods shared within the company, with which interaction within and outside the company should take place. It does not contain any detailed procedural rules that restrict individuality, creativity and personal problem-solving skills.

We recommend us as an agency for your employer brand

We have our expertise in employer branding Long before the war for talent and are now one of the leading agencies in the field of brand and marketing strategies for employers. As an employer branding agency, we offer you customised solutions that strengthen your employer brand and optimise your recruiting and personnel marketing measures.

As holistically thinking and specialised As an employer branding agency, we know that concerted and integrated marketing communication is a clear Guidance needs. Exactly this Lead expertise is what you can expect from us. Our processes guarantee that all measures are optimally interlinked. This is ensured by specialists such as strategists, consultants, concept developers, copywriters, designers and project managers.

Rely on our knowledge and experience to make your investment in a strong employer brand a success.

Get in touch now and organise your employee marketing effectively, benefit from our knowledge!

A woman and a man laughing warmly at each other. They are standing on a balcony, with another building blurred in the background. The woman is wearing a light yellow cardigan and grey trousers. The man is wearing a grey shirt and brown trousers
Invitation to the Chemistry Meeting

Who can we look forward to?

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